Friday, March 14, 2008

Productive night

Here are the "before" pictures of the house. The captions should explain what you're looking at. Hopefully the repairs, painting, carpeting, etc. don't take too long and we can get the fixed-up, furnished "after" pictures done soon.

Click for the pictures.

Finally some pictures

We take a break from Flood Watch '08 to bring you some long overdue pictures of Nicole. These span from late January through yesterday. You can definitely see the changes in her even since the last batch of photos, which were around Christmas and New Years.

Nicole seems on the verge of walking and talking. She stood up once or twice on her own, but usually has to hold on to something. And she'll take steps if you're holding on to her. She says da da and bye bye and plenty of other things we can't make out. It's hard to believe she'll be one in a few weeks.

Click here for the pictures of Nicole.

We'll keep you posted on the flood aftermath. I will soon post some of the pictures we have of the house. We'll call these the "before" pictures. They are from before we moved in, but it will give you a sense of what it looks like. After all of our repairs are made and we're fully situated, well give you the "after."

Thursday, March 13, 2008

We shall build an ark!

We awoke to quite a flood yesterday. Seems the supply line from the toilet in the downstairs bathroom burst sometime Tuesday night / Wednesday early morning, spraying water throughout the first floor of our house. After a few hours with a wet/dry vac Kevin got most of the standing water out of the house. We got a plumber out ASAP and the insurance company sent over a disaster clean up crew who got to work. They attempted to salvage the carpet in the living room & dining room, but after a while they gave up and decided to remove the carpet along with the kitchen cabinet & bathroom vanity "kick boards". We're living at Hermvy's house for a few days while de-humidifiers and fans try to dry out the house. Anyone have suggestions on paint & carpet colors? Oh wait, you probably want to see pictures of the house to decide, and maybe even some of Nicole too, right?! Well, I'll try to remember to pick up the camera & computer at the house today and see if we can't squeeze that on to our (i.e., Kevin's) to-do list.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Slight delay . . .

But when we have to spend the morning with a wet/dry vac to clean up a huge flood in the first floor of our house, it might be a little while longer until those pictures get posted! Ahh, the joys of being a homeowner.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Just a quick post to say

I'm sorry. I've been meaning to post pictures of both the house and of Nicole. Who knew working and moving and parenting would leave so little spare time? Anyway, with the NCAA tournament coming up, I have a self-imposed deadline to get pictures posted. Because if I don't get it done before basketball starts, I won't get it done until April. Maybe this weekend? Hopefully. Stay tuned.