Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This morning at breakfast, Nicole was holding up one finger as she often does, pointing at my cereal. So I said, "One." Nicole immediately responded, "Two." Jessica and I just looked at each other dumbfounded. There was no way that had just happened. So I said one again and ...


I tried three, and she said something that sounded like four. We were never able to get that far again, but if you say one, she says two.

Maybe this is normal and those of you with kids older than Nicole are laughing at us, but we were quite impressed. Plus, considering she's in Jewish day care in Phoenix, she'll probably master 1 through 5 in English, Spanish and Hebrew before she's two.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This has to be a record...

Two picture posts in the same month, and the month is barely half over. Considering that Nicole is currently sporting a nice shiner that I've yet to take pictures of, I know there will be another photo opportunity shortly. (Yes, my Father's Day highlight was Nicole tripping over my foot and going face-first into the coffee table. But she's OK and doesn't seem to be holding it against me.)

Jessica (and Nicole's teachers at school) are into doing cute things to her hair, so we have some pictures of that. Also, we had a brief moment where our pool was blue, clean and functional, so we took advantage of it one beautiful Sunday afternoon. Pictures of that also, and you'll love Nicole's outfit. Mine, not so much. Unfortunately a busted pipe this weekend (seems there's a lot of that going around here) has the pool out of commission again, but it's on the mend and we should be up and running again soon.

Here are the pictures.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Budding foodie

Although she may not look like it, Nicole loves to eat. And from her choices of favorite foods these days, I think we have a new foodie on our hands. She enjoys kobe beef hamburgers and hamburgers we make from beef tenderloin "chain." She's not afraid of spice as evident for her love of guacamole, flautas, or fish tacos (wait, do fish tacos from Rubio's bring down her foodie quotient?). And, much to my surprise, she loves the Barefoot Contessa grilled salmon salad, complete with capers, dill and red onion.

As far as we can tell, there are only 2 problems to all this. First, Nicole decided that she detests Kraft macaroni & cheese right after we purchased the Costco family pack. Oh well, the boxes will survive until she changes her mind -- even if that's in college. Second, because she prefers mint chocolate chip ice cream to vanilla or fruit flavors, it means there is less for us.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Catching up

How long has it been since I last updated the blog or posted new pictures? Well, the big batch of pictures I'm putting up now include photos of two separate visits by my mom. So either I've been slacking, or someone's been spending a lot of her retirement in Arizona. (OK, it's both.)

One thing you might notice is different about Nicole in some of these pictures, especially the later ones, is that she's vertical. That's right, she's walking. She started at the beginning of May, so the correct answer in the poll that was once on the site was 13 months. If that was your choice, you get a special prize. She's constantly on the move now, and it's fun to watch.

She's still very talkative and displaying quite the vocabulary. Mostly, though, she likes to bark like a dog. She loves her doggie books and knows a dog says woof woof, so she says woof woof whenever she sees a dog. But not up close - she still panics when she sees one up close. Some of her favorite words are book, bubbles, shoes, socks, uh oh, bye bye, moo, baa, yellow, peekaboo, mama, dada, what's that, banana and plenty more I'm forgetting right now.

She's also doing much better at swim lessons (not indicated in the pictures in this post), enjoying the swings at the park and playing with her slide, chalk and bubbles out on the patio. She can't wait to come to Baltimore in July and see everyone.

That's about it for Nicole. Her daddy has started his new job in Internal Communications at APS (the big Phoenix electric utility) and everything's great so far. More updates to come on that in the future. And here's the obligatory promise to post more frequently ... this time I mean it. I hope.

Here are the pictures.